Shipping Information

Delivery times

Once you place an order from our shop, it will be prepared and shipped within 2-4 working days . You will receive a summary of your purchase and subsequent confirmation of the shipment to the email address you entered. You will also find the tracking code provided by the courier. Our shipments are entrusted to DHL or BRT. Shipments destined for abroad may require longer delivery times. For any questions you can contact the Givì Lulù Team via email or via Whatsapp .
If your order contains custom embroidery, currently available for the pillowcase category, our team will inform you directly about the processing times.

Shipping Costs Summary

In Italy, shipping is free for orders over €100, including the Islands. For all other orders, shipping costs are €4. For shipments to Europe, the cost is €10 for orders under €180. For shipments to the United States of America, the cost is €30 (free for orders of at least €250). $). For all other countries the shipping fee is €20, free for orders with a total of at least €200.